Member Profiles
Ena Fitzpatrick

Ena Fitzpatrick, a former primary school teacher living in Celbridge for over 30 years, was always interested in colour, pattern and texture. Working with former Abbey Art Group member Nina Patterson she developed a love for painting 25 years ago. She prefers to paint in oils as it allows her to blend, layer and add texture, especially with a palette knife, which suits her painting style. She also makes fused glass and needle felted wool artworks.
She draws inspiration from the beauty, colours and textures of the natural environment, especially from the ever changing views of the parklands of Castletown House.

10” x 8”

Her works featuring birds, landscapes, old stone buildings, seascapes and flowers tend to tell stories.
She is a teacher turned student, learning from fellow Abbey Art Group members and other artists while participating in workshops and en plein air painting days. She is constantly challenged to do better and always open to experimenting and expanding her creative experiences.
Purchasing Artist’s work – Enquiries can be made on the Contact page.